Clean the stainless steel cat water fountain water level sensor

You’ve got this cool stainless steel cat water fountain, and you want to make sure the water sensor stays clean, right? No problem. Here’s a simple guide on how to give it a good cleaning.

Why the Sensor Matters

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of cleaning, let’s talk about why this sensor is a big deal. It’s like your fountain’s watchdog, keeping an eye on the water level. When it senses the water getting too high, it tells the pump to take a break. This keeps your place dry and your cat hydrated. So, it’s pretty important.

Grab Your Supplies

You won’t need much to get started.

Some mild dish soap

A soft brush or even an old toothbrush

Warm water

A clean, lint-free cloth

A small container

Safety First

Unplug the cat water fountain from the wall. Safety comes first, right?

Take out the sensor (if you can)

Some fountains allow you to remove the sensor for cleaning. If yours does, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to take it out carefully.

Cleaning Time

Now, let’s get down to cleaning that water sensor.

Soapy Water

Mix a bit of mild dish soap with warm water in your container to make a soapy solution.

Soak It

Put the sensor in the soapy water and let it hang out for a few minutes. This helps loosen up any dirt or gunk.

Gentle Brushing

Use your soft brush or toothbrush to gently scrub the sensor. Don’t go too rough; you don’t want to damage it.

Rinse Well

Give the sensor a good rinse with clean, warm water to wash away any soap residue. Make sure it’s squeaky clean.

Dry It

Pat the sensor dry with your lint-free cloth. It needs to be completely dry before you put it back together or reassemble your fountain.

Put it back (if you removed it)

If you take out the sensor earlier, carefully put it back to where it belongs, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure it’s snug and secure.

Clean the whole fountain

While you’re at it, why not clean the entire stainless steel cat water fountain? Empty the water tank, wash it with warm, soapy water, and rinse it thoroughly to get rid of any soap leftovers. Keeping the whole fountain clean is a good idea for overall hygiene.

Plug It Back In

Once everything is cleaned up, dry, and back in place, plug your cat water fountain back in.

Test the sensor

After cleaning, add some water to your fountain to see if the sensor does its job by detecting the rising water level and stopping the water flow.


Regularly cleaning the water sensor in your stainless steel cat water fountain is a smart move to make sure it works like a charm. These steps will help keep your cat hydrated without turning your place into a waterpark. Enjoy peace of mind!